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Health Checks

sep-icon40 – 49 year Health Check

This Health Check is aimed at people aged between 40 and 49 years of age. All we ask you to do is obtain a Risk Assessment Form from your GP practice.

The Australian type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool (AUSDRISK) is a short list of questions to help both health professionals and consumers to assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the next five years.

People with a high score result, > 12, are eligible to attend a Diabetes Risk Evaluation with their GP. If you meet the criteria of being at immediate or high risk, this is followed up with blood tests and a discussion about life style changes.

It is possible you may be eligible for a referral to Subsidised Life Style Modification Program.

sep-icon75 + year Health Check for all patients aged 75 and over

This is a Health Check that should generally be undertaken by the patient’s usual doctor; that is the GP (or a GP working in the same practice) who has provided the majority of services to you in the past 12 months and/or who is likely to provide the majority of services for the following 12 months.

The assessment looks at the a person’s Health and physical, psychological and social function and whether preventative Health Care may be offered to that person, to improve their quality of life and independence in their home and in their community.

Sometimes a little help with home duties, going shopping or gardening is all that is needed; or maybe you need more assistance such as help with showering, medications, or wound care. These are tasks that you can access through community care groups that you might not be aware that are available. It is through these Health Checks, that you and your GP can identify any needs or concerns you have regarding maintaining your independence at home.

sep-iconMen’s Health Check

Men are very busy people and don’t often make time to see a doctor unless they are very sick.

The purpose of the Health Check is to update your medical, family and social history and look at any potential Health issues. It is a good time to have an ECG and/or lung function test, and for doctor to organise some blood tests to check your cholesterol, blood sugar levels, kidney and liver functions.

If you have any questions regarding stress, depression, the prostate glands, testicular checks or any other Health issues, now is the time to ask.

Your GP or practice nurse can also assist with advice and information on how to make lifestyle changes to improve your Health.

sep-iconWomen’s Health Check

The purpose of the Health Check is to update your medical, family and social history and look at any potential health issues.

It is a good time to have an ECG and/or lung function test, and for doctor to organise some blood tests to check your cholesterol, blood sugar levels, kidney and liver functions.

If you have any questions regarding stress, depression, pap smears, breast checks, menopause, contraception or any other Health issues, now is the time to ask. Your GP or practice nurse can also assist with advice and information on how to make lifestyle changes to improve your Health.

sep-iconOsteoporosis Health Check

Osteoporosis affects 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men over the age of sixty. It is important to be aware of your bone health, as osteoporosis often has no symptoms until a fracture occurs. If you want to find out if you are at risk, speak to your GP or practice nurse.

There are many risk factors that may contribute to your developing osteoporosis;

  • Lifestyle; smoking, excessive alcohol intake, diet lacking in calcium and sedentary lifestyle over many years
  • Age
  • family history;
  • Medical history; chronic liver or kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, early menopause in women, or low testosterone levels in men.

Management of osteoporosis, once diagnosed through a bone density test, involves lifestyle changes, medication to stop further bone loss and prevent fractures, and falls prevention measures, as falls can lead to fractures.

sep-iconAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check

The Health Check is available each year, to all persons who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, regardless of age.

Indigenous people have a higher incidence of illness and higher mortality rate than other Australians, therefore regular health checks should help to reduce or prevent serious illness by early detection and treatment.

  • The purpose of this Health Check is to ensure all indigenous people receive optimum level of health care.
  • To encourage early detection and diagnosis of common and treatable diseases.
  • To reduce the incidence of common and treatable diseases that cause considerable morbidity and early mortality.

Access to NSW Indigenous Health can be arranged for further management of Health Care if required.